Board of Trustees
Board Links
- PSD 285 Board Docs Site *NEW - Find Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Upcoming Meeting Information Here
- PSD 285 Strategic Plan/ CIP
- Code of Ethics for School Board Members
PSD 285 Board Docs Site *NEW - Find Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Upcoming Meeting Information Here
PSD 285 Strategic Plan/ CIP
Code of Ethics for School Board Members
About Board of Trustees Meetings
What is a Board of Trustees Meeting?
A "Board of Trustees Meeting" is a business meeting held in view of the public. These meetings are guided by an agenda and are bound by "Open Meeting" law. For regular meetings, the agenda is posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.For special meetings or work sessions, the agenda is posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The public is welcome to attend all meetings.
How can the public participate in a Board of Trustees Meeting?
The public can participate in a "Board of Trustees Meeting" in a few different ways:
- You can come and listen to the business meeting to learn more about what decisions are being made by the Board.
- You may be asked by the Superintendent to be a scheduled visitor for the purpose of sharing information and possibly answering questions the Board may have.
- You may submit a request to have an item added to the agenda in order to speak about that item. There does need to be enough time to add that item to the agenda - so it is best to submit this at least the week prior to the Board meeting. If the item is added to the agenda, the Board Chair will call on you and you will have 5 minutes to speak
- You may submit a request to speak about an item that is already on the agenda. The request form needs to be completed and given to the Board Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called on by the Board Chair and will have 3 minutes to speak.
Click here for Policy 1510F to Request to Add an Item to the Agenda
Click here for Policy 1520F to Request to Speak about an Item on the Agenda
Board Members
- Zone 1: Michael Montgomery- Vice Chairman
- Zone 2: Jessica Scholfield
- Zone 3: Mike Gilmore
- Zone 4: Ryan Beckner, Chairman
- Zone 5: Tricia Fiscus
- Permanent Honorary Board Member: Emily Hunt